"Just a drop in the bucket?" (El Salvador Update: Tuesday)

Over the last several days in El Salvador, we have had the opportunity to impact the lives of approximately 1,700 people. Yesterday in the village of Apopa, we were able to treat and serve more than 500 people. That includes hundreds of prescriptions filled, dozens of haircuts, countless teeth cleaned (and pulled - ouch!). After two back-to-back days of relentless crowds and difficult work, our team returned to San Salvador exhausted but thrilled with so many seeds planted...in fact, an estimated 40 people responded to the Gospel yesterday and made the decision to accept God's free gift of forgiveness through Jesus Christ. We celebrate those numbers but our team leader, Jon White aptly reminded us that there are 7 billion people on planet earth. We know that billions are not believers and many have never even heard the Gospel. One team in one small, central American country is not enough. We need more people to live missionally every day - to go where Jesus' name has never been spoken - to serve and love those for whom Christ died!

Upon our departure from the hotel yesterday morning, Apopa was described for us as a potentially dangerous area where a great deal of MS-13 gang activity is ongoing. As you can see in the picture above, not only were we guarded by armed men but also cinderblock walls and razor wire that
surrounded the school in which we conducted our medical clinics. It was a location that Jireh Ministries had never been able to breach but the people in Apopa were thrilled to see us. At first, parents were reluctant to allow their children to even play simple games with our team - it simply isn't a town where children are outside the view of their moms or dads. But by the end of the day, countless children enjoyed face painting, soccer, and giant parachute games. If only for a moment, the fear of violence and the pain of personal and financial struggled succumbed to the light of Jesus shining in the courtyard of a picturesque, mountainside school. Partnered with volunteers from Apopa Baptist Church (Iglesia Bautista Apopa), we are looking forward to hearing about the follow-up that church members and pastors will have in the coming weeks and months after such an incredible harvest.

On the drive in, we were told that gang members often dump bodies in a local park that's less than a quarter mile from the school. Next door to the school whose express purpose is "education for the greater strategy of progress and cultural development" is a mobile police unit to monitor gang activity. Nevertheless, evil prowls through those streets but thankfully our God is greater. Our prayer is that God can transform lives, families and even whole villages and countries as they follow Jesus and abide in His Word. Because of the generosity of so many of you, we were able not only to share Christ with everyone attending our clinics, but we gave out approximately 250 Spanish Bibles. It was beautiful to see so many reading God's Word, but we pray that it is applied to their lives and accomplishes all that the Lord has planned for El Salvador. 

In addition, in the early hours of our tour in Apopa, several of our missionaries went to a nearby orphanage to provide food and serve the kitchen staff by washing dishes and more. Many children in this country are fatherless...others are effectively orphaned by both parents working outside the home.  Kids are often given very little attention or affection which is why it's so important that we reach the next generation of Salvadorians with the love of God. Remember, He is the One who teaches that pure and undefiled religion before the Father is to visit and provide for the needs of widows and orphans and to remain untainted by the world (James 1:27). Food and medicine - clothing and dentistry are merely vehicles that we use to share the hope of Jesus. They are spiritual conversation starters. So, how will you reach just one person with the Gospel today? How will you be bold and bring Jesus into your dialogues with co-workers, neighbors, and family members? The gravity of the mission can sometimes make all our greatest efforts seem like just a drop in the bucket, but...IT'S NOT ABOUT US - IT'S ALL ABOUT JESUS! We are responsible to be obedient to the Great Commission - to GO and MAKE DISCIPLES and leave the results up to our Lord. 

God is still asking, "Who will go for us?" 
Will it be you?
Will you go?
Will you share?
You've received your orders, soldier...we'll see you out there!



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