“Hurry Up and Wait - Overflow Evangelism" (El Salvador Update Day 1)

El Salvador Blog Post (Day 1)

So here we are, flying to Houston, Texas in admittedly tight quarters but enjoying the antics of some of our team members who earned their wings this morning. For the last six months, this team has prayed and prepared to share the Gospel and serve others to meet very real and practical needs in a country a thousand miles away. Our efforts are intentional and bold as we ready ourselves for work in El Salvador but just days ago could we have said that our evangelistic endeavors at home were as zealous?

I can only speak for myself but I am not an evangelist by nature or spiritual gifting. I love to study the Word of God. Personally, I thrive on teaching and theological conversation. But cold-call evangelism, street preaching, or even just dialoguing with strangers in the checkout line are a real struggle for me. It is a matter of prayer each day that I not waste opportunities – nevertheless, I’m guilty of doing just that. 
So, after checking our luggage and being delayed departure from Dulles Airport this morning, I filled my water bottle inside the gate. Since we had already gone through security, I knew this would be fine but I never considered what happens to pressurized water bottles at 30,000 feet that utilize a straw mechanism. I certainly wouldn’t have dreamed to have had a moment worthy of America’s Funniest Home Videos where water shoots to the ceiling of the aircraft and drenches my clothes as well as several people in our immediate vicinity. Even now, Brittany (my wife) can hardly help but laugh at my expense. But it was a comical moment about which Seth (our resident physics teacher and missionary) probably could have warned me…

It does serve as a great picture though of what personal evangelism really should be like. From the outside my water bottle didn’t look any different. Same translucent, plastic exterior and foreboding straw with mouthpiece attachment. It appears fairly harmless. But the higher it ascends, the contents of the bottle pressurize and when the mouthpiece is engaged – watch out! When I became a believer in Jesus and truly began following Him as a young man, I didn’t look much different. Same pudgy and pasty exterior. Same goofy expressions. But as I have grown in my faith – in my relationship with Jesus – He is transforming me from the inside. Romans 12:1-2 tells us that we should offer ourselves as a living sacrifice as our spiritual act of worship and that rather than being conformed to the patterns of this world, we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind so that we can know and affirm the good, pleasing, and perfect will of God. 

God says “Go!” He isn’t willing that any person should perish but that all should come to repentance. He is drawing people unto Himself and however our human will and His divine sovereignty cooperate in that endeavor is beyond our scope of understanding. We just have to open our mouths and let Him do the rest. When we do, honestly, things may get a little messy. God’s Spirit should be evident all over us spilling out in our speech and behavior to the people we encounter. 

Our team is heading to El Salvador but at this juncture we may be taking an extended stay in Houston. How will I redeem that opportunity? How will we allow God to spill out from our lives to affect people with the Good News of Jesus Christ, His Son? How will you do the same thing no matter where you may find yourself? At work, in Summer school, having lunch with a friend or putting your own children down for their afternoon nap. Evangelize the lost and let’s not waste anymore chances to bring glory to God’s Name. 

Remember, the only thing God cannot use is your inaction – God cannot bring fruit from our silence. Let’s boldly go and fulfill the Great Commission to make disciples and never forget the example of the water bottle! 

P.S. What can I say? I’m a pastor which means every life experience is a potential sermon illustration :P

(Part Two)

God is good all the time...And all the time, God is good!

This afternoon, we thought only a portion of our team would be able to take the evening flight to El Salvador leaving a small group to stay overnight in Houston. But God is altogether sovereign and He got a team of 18 people on the same flight - the last four filling the only seats remaining on the plane when a group of four did not show up at the terminal to collect their tickets. If you've ever missed a connection flight with your family or a small group of friends, then you know how difficult it can be to be slated for a later flight together considering how booked the planes are these days. So, imagine the sheer impossibility of 18 people getting on a last-minute flight! But with God all things are possible.

Our team is now sleeping soundly in our hotel and preparing for a day of soccer clinics tomorrow morning. We will also be organizing all our supplies to be used for medical clinics beginning on Sunday. Please continue to pray for us and lift up our time here in El Salvador. Thank you for interceding for us today - God truly glorified Himself in Houston today and we give Him all the credit and all the praise for working a small miracle on behalf of our team. It's gonna be a week to remember! 


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