From "I DO" to "I'M DOING"

"For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. This mystery is profound, but I am talking about Christ and the church. To sum up, each one of you is to love his wife as himself, and the wife is to respect her husband." Ephesians 5:31-33
The single most important relationship that I have is with my King, my Master, my Savior - His name is Jesus Christ. Everything else rises and falls with the intimacy I share with the Lord. But immediately following that relationship is my marriage to Brittany. The three of us together create a cord that is not easily broken when our hearts are in sync but when sin and miscommunication enter the picture, it can be devastating. Just take a look around you at the shattered remains left behind by divorce and you can tell that marriage is simultaneously beautiful, hilarious, frustrating, messy, joyous and perhaps the most difficult blessing we will ever have. And it's totally worth it! The Bible refers to it as a profound mystery and a human illustration of Christ's love and sacrifice for His church. Today, we celebrate 7 years together in matrimony. We've been dating for nearly 12 years (and yes, we are still dating). God has blessed our union and we are thankful to have found one another as high school sweethearts. But sometimes despite our best efforts, foxes in the vineyards can steal away from the blessings God has intended and we have to redouble our efforts at all times to preserve the sanctity of marriage. It's important for us to remember that we have to protect this divine institution that, by the way, isn't up for redefinition, but when we allow these relationships to deteriorate we also undermine God's intentions for marriage. As a couple, we have had to learn to move from "I do" to "I'm doing" so that the promises we made during a wedding ceremony become the vows we fulfill in our marriage.

For the last week, Brittany and I along with a team of more than 25 other missionaries, pastors, doctors, dentists and volunteers conducted medical clinics in El Salvador. Nearly every year since our wedding day, July 14, 2007, we have been serving on short-term mission trips, youth camps, and more. So, we thought it was fitting to renew our wedding vows during a brief respite from the grueling heat and work of the week. Atop the incredible Boqueron volcano, we revisited our vows, professed a rededication with our friends in attendance, and considered the impact of a lifetime together. We'd like to share those with you here in honor of our anniversary and in an effort to inspire you to protect your own marriages and ensure that you too make your families, marriages, ministries and other relationships ALL ABOUT JESUS. 

From My Beloved (her ---->):
"It's hard to believe that 12 years ago, the love story that God set before us began to spring into motion. It began as nothing more than a simple hello at a high school dance. Who would have thought that just six months later our paths would cross again? But this time another "hello" turned into our story - a story of love, devotion, some pain and hurt, learning and growing. 

Against all odds of being high school sweethearts and people telling us that our playful jokes and banter would break us up, we pushed through to July 14, 2007. The day I stood before you and took the vow, blessing, and honor of becoming your wife. That day and all it stood for is still so precious to me. While it marked the beginning of the phrase "you're stuck with me forever" it meant so much more than that. It was all we had been through in 5 years coming together into one day of celebration. 

But as most days, it passed quickly and we were left with a two-bedroom apartment moving slowly through a new chapter called marriage. More learning, more grown, more mistakes, but much more love. Who knew what God was going to deal us these last 7 years? We have finished school (well, almost), moved 5 times, served in one youth ministry for nearly 5 years, had our first little one which led to navigating the waters of parenthood, and now almost one year has passed with a new church family and youth ministry, and so much more which brings us to this day - another day, somewhat like the first, but with a deeper understanding of what it means for two imperfect people to come together with unconditional love.

I stand before you today, Jonathan, as a woman striving to be Godly, to vow to you as your wife to continue to love you and keep you in everything God has laid out for us. I will continue to strive to be the godly wife you deserve as a man of God to have. My love for you knows no bounds and comes as easy as breathing. Thank you for the honor of being your wife, a mother to your children, and partner in ministry. Even as this day will pass also, I pray it marks many more priceless years of more love and more growing."

From her Lover with lots of love and a few heartfelt tears (that would be me):

"Almost 7 years ago, we began a journey of marriage together. Sometimes it feels like we were just kids then and that so much of life has already flown by. As we look back, we have experienced joy and regret - we have loved and laughed often and we've also endured the pain of loss. But our God has guided us through all these things. We have learned in every situation to be content and trust in Jesus. Then we will always be able to sing, 'It is well with my soul."

One of the things I know I don't say enough is that I'm proud of you and so thankful that you're in my life. I'm thankful for the home and life we've made together. And I'm so grateful for the spunky little girl that blesses and challenges us. We are sure to face more obstacles in the future but hand-in-hand and under the Lord's direction, there is nothing we cannot go through.

As we get a little older, I think we add some things to our vows. We make silent promises to do better or to change. But today is about remembering those oaths we exchanged years ago and, for me, it's the opportunity to step up my game. So here goes:

I promise to love and respect you. I will take up my responsibility before the Lord to lead our family, serve you, and protect you. I promise to be faithful to you and to honor you above all others. And my hope and prayer is to sacrifice my own life for our family everyday. 

I further resolve to continue our ministry together because it is one of my greatest joys to serve alongside you to build the local church and God's Kingdom. Together, we will pray for, counsel, work, and forgive. I will seek to obey the teachings of Scripture: to seek justice, love mercy, and walk humbly in following Jesus.

But I also promise to make a lot of mistakes. I will inevitably fail - we both will. Be patient with me and I will repent when those times come and learn from my mistakes as a man of integrity should.

For the rest of my life, I will love you and love our great God and King. No matter where we go or the road we travel to get there, we will love God, love people, teach the Word, and reach this world with the Gospel. Together, I pledge to lead us in making our marriage and our family 'ALL ABOUT JESUS' because in so doing, we will also always honor our wedding vows. Just as everyday, we must deny ourselves and take up our cross to follow Christ, Brittany, I'd marry you with every new morning - in every difficult trial and in all the victories to come. I love you, BabyGirl!

So, if you've stayed with us up to this point, please know that we are praying for your marriage. If you're single, we are interceding for your purity and the relationship you will have with your spouse one day. And if you've had to experience the devastation of an abusive marriage or even divorce, be encouraged that God has a better plan. And He is a far greater and persistent Lover - nothing will ever separate you from the love of God in Jesus Christ, His only Son. Together, let's pursue and preserve God's standard for marriage. Invest daily in the greatest relationships you will ever possess and protect your intimacy through every challenge. Thank you for sharing in our vows and by the way...

Brittany, I love you very much - Happy Anniversary!



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