Se Trata De Jesus! (It's all about JESUS!)

"No se trata de nosotros...
Se trata de Jesus"

          To every congregation, group or every church...all over the world, I believe that this phrase is the key to life for every follower of Jesus! We truly begin living when our lives cease to be about our own needs, desires, and principles and begin to flow instead out of a fervent desire to please and glorify God in pursuit of His Son, Jesus Christ. But saying this phrase and putting it into practice are two very different things...even for pastors...

When we arrived in El Salvador, I was already burnt out but nevertheless excited to be joining our team on the ground and introducing two of my closest Bible study buddies to what has become for me a place very dear to my own heart. For the third time in two years, we landed in San Salvador and were greeted by Pastor Chuck and Carol preparing to board the plane where I had just spent the last several hours uncomfortably avoiding the painful beverage bumper cart. It was great to see them and true-to-form, Pastor Chuck informed me that the team should be warmed up for us by now having arrived a week earlier. I should say that was an understatement: In the five days of ministry site work, our team of American missionaries, church partners, and Salvadorian pastors, translators, doctors and dentists ministered to just shy of 1600 people including 218 professions of faith in Jesus Christ - Praise the Lord!

          Today, the work has only continued to progress and my prayer for supernatural "groove" was answered. We have been able to jump into the work as if we'd been here for both weeks and for that the whole team is grateful. But honestly, on that first day, my heart wasn't yet ready for the work. In the small town of Guazapa, we saw 247 members of the community for medical treatment, dentistry, eyeglasses, clothing, children's ministry and more. God spoke through the passionate and fervent testimonies of several missions team members resulting in 33 professions of faith. For the sake of being transparent, it was a tremendous first day back in-country but I felt a profound lack of zeal and couldn't understand why I wasn't more excited that the Lord had called so many to faith. Confounded and frustrated by my own apathy, prayer was my refuge but God had a tough message for me to swallow. I begged, "God, why do I feel this way? What is going on with me spiritually?" Immediately, a phrase rang in my mind clearly and powerfully: "Do the things you used to do!"

          It was a bit of a divine drop-the-mic moment because I did not hear anything else for the rest of the bus-ride home. Those words haunted me and penetrated my hardened heart. At first, I couldn't remember where I had heard them but later having consulted wi-fi and a Bible concordance, Revelation 2:4-5 came into full view: "But I have this against you - you have abandoned the love you had at first. Remember then how far you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first..."

          Those words are difficult to hear for any Christian believer. But I'm supposed to be a leader and in this public forum, I admit that God's chastisement was harsh but right on the mark. If I want to serve God well and be used mightily of the Lord then I must get back to the basics of Christian discipline: prayer, Bible study, meditation, fasting, fellowship. If not, then I will be useless and I will waste the precious time and talents with which we have all been richly blessed. When our lives have reverted to being all about us, repentance and transformation comes when we turn our eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face and make our lives once again ALL ABOUT HIM!

          I'm excited that the turning point in my heart and on this mission adventure came early - Monday was a brand new day but it was encouraging to see old friends at the Police Headquarters of El Salvador affectionately called "The Castle." Although I cannot post photos, we ministered to 168 police officers, office staff members and their families in appreciation of the work these "boys in blue" do to protect and serve their Salvadorian countrymen. We recorded twenty-three confessions of faith from oft-grieving and hardened officers and support staff who face tremendous dangers to self and family each and every day! (Stay tuned to this blog for more about an upcoming opportunity to encourage more of our police friends at the training academy on Wednesday evening).

We appreciate your continued prayers but I'd like to ask specifically that you consider the state of your own heart before the Lord. Have you lost your eagerness to serve Jesus? Has your life become more about you than Him? If so, there is a message from the Lord for you in Revelation 2:4-5. Turn back to the Lord and remember that life is not about us...(that's your cue!)


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