
Showing posts from March, 2014

NOAH: Cutting through the Controversy

So, right from the outset, I should share that I have been eagerly awaiting the arrival of Hollywood's newest "biblical" epic. No doubt, it has been shrouded in controversy and you may be wondering which opinions can be trusted. Although certainly not infallible, I hope to bring you a balanced perspective that both honors the veracity of Scripture and therefore a biblical worldview but is also fair to the liberties afforded any good storytelling. What first captured my attention to this movie wasn't the marketing hype or a truly star-studded cast but the very subject matter and the questions surrounding it. Earlier this year, television personality Bill Nye "The Science Guy" debated creation apologist and author, Ken Ham of Answers in Genesis. Although the main point being discussed was creation in six literal days as a viable model for the origins of the universe, the idea of Noah's ark and the worldwide flood persisted. In general, Christians be