
Showing posts from 2016

The American Church: 240 Years Later...

Yesterday, my wife and I stood together with hundreds of other believers and prayed. We lifted up the name of Jesus in worship. We excitedly shared the details of a man we hope to call as pastor whom we trust will carry on the tradition of preaching the Word of God boldly and without compromise. Our church sang “The Star-Spangled Banner,” our national anthem and the Newsboys’ song “We Believe,” a creedal declaration of doctrine and hope. We stood, hands over heart, and pledged our allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. This was the scene all across our great country in tens of thousands of churches and its gravity should not be lost on us as we celebrate 240 years as a nation today. To Christians around the globe experiencing daily persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ, to think that we would have such religious liberty for nearly two and a half centuries is nothing short of miraculous. And I am truly grateful for the blood that has been poured out over and