
Showing posts from May, 2014

Confession and Vision

My name is Jon Morton and I am a youth pastor... And, yes that is part of my's also one of the biggest parts of who I am. It isn't something of which to be ashamed nor is it necessarily something that needs to be applauded when we've finally worked up the courage to admit it. Youth ministry does however come with certain stigmas. To some it is just a weed in the church to be removed, free babysitting, activities coordination to keep teenagers busy and out of trouble, and akin to "church lite". There are still many friends and family members that ask me when I'm going to become a "real pastor" or when we might take our own church. In short, they just don't get it. Partnering with parents and church leaders to disciple teenagers is an incredibly rewarding vocation and our family is blessed to play even a small role in God using students to accomplish great things for His Kingdom. But the funny thing is that I never wanted to